Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A sour note

Just to be different, I'm going to write this post in reverse. I usually take these pictures with my phone, and my phone just bricked. I am getting a new one from Google right away (shipping NDA) but I was afraid I had lost my photos. Yeah for auto-backup! 

Look at this beautiful golden brown egg bake! Yum! This guy cooked for just over 1/2 an hour at 350 F.  There is about a cup of shredded cheddar on top.

This weekend I had to buy most of the ingredients because I didn't have much in my fridge. So I got a bag of spinach, some bacon, and some pre-sliced mushrooms, as well as a small container of sour cream. After frying up the bacon and mushrooms with some minced (dehydrated) onions and crushed garlic, I added them to the pan on top of the spinach, and then seasoned them with a heavy dusting of cayenne, as well as a little salt and a good amount of black pepper.

18 eggs were scrambled with an 8 oz container of sour cream, as well as the left over liquid from frying the bacon and mushrooms. The sour cream takes a little more effort to mix in, but the whisk makes short work of that.

I started with a few left over sweet potatoes which I diced up and threw back into the dirty pan. I love using the caramelized butter left over from baking sweet potatoes. It adds more flavor to the eggs.

Here is the experimental ingredient of the week. On New Years Day I was at my sister's house, and she had made an egg bake. It was delicious! She used our mother's recipe which includes sour cream and lots of butter. So I thought it would be fun to use the sour cream instead of my usual heavy whipping cream. All in all I can't taste much difference, so maybe I just need more sour cream. Next week I might go for the 16 oz tub instead!

When I went to the store to get bacon, I wanted to get some good stuff, not just the regular brands. I saw a big package of bacon ends and pieces that looked like a good deal. Unfortunately I failed to notice that it could be any one of three random flavors. This package ended up being maple flavored. Oh well, I chopped it up and it fried like any other bacon. But my home smells like maple flavoring, and I'm getting a little tired of having that flavor on my eggs every morning. I still have 2/3 of the bacon left, so I guess I'd better get used to it! 

Overall this is basically the same as last week except for the different cream. The maple flavor sort of overwhelms everything else, so that might also be why I am not tasting the sour cream. Oh well, it's fun to try something different every time or it can get quite monotonous!

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