Saturday, February 28, 2015

If at first you don't succeed...

After my experience last week, I decided to try to take my own advice and make this week's egg bake exactly like last week's, but with the changes I wish I had made.

This week I cooked the bacon a lot longer and then set it aside, but I left the fat in the pan and used it to saute the onions. While the bacon was frying I threw in some crushed garlic from a jar so it could get sauteed a bit too. I probably should have saved that for the onions because I think the garlic got overcooked and lost its flavor.
The onions I used were going bad so I was cutting off the bad parts and using what was good. Probably about the same as two large onions, or maybe 3 or 4 mediums. A lot of onions either way!
These avocados would have made some nice guacamole. Nice and mushy!
I love the color contrast of the bacon and the avocado. Looks delicious!
A nice dusting of cayenne, salt, and black pepper on top. This week I used more seasoning as well.

18 large eggs (though they looked medium to me) and about half a cup of heavy cream all whisked together. I tried to pour it on gently so all the seasoning didn't end up in one place.
This baked for about 40 minutes at 350.

Last week I thought the bake was a bit bland at first, but it actually got better throughout the week. I would say this one tastes better than last week's did, but it could also be perspective. The week before last I made what I believe to be the best egg bake I'd ever made. So it was hard to follow that. Now my expectations have been lowered and that might be the real reason it tastes better. I also think this one could have used some cheese, so I might add a slice before I microwave my next piece.

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